POND Return With New Track “Pink Lunettes”


While the rest of us move in and out between different stages of a lockdown, Australia has moved into the new reality of post-pandemic life. With that comes the return of the live music industry, with artists booking gigs within their states and even releasing new music.

POND have been killing it over the past few months, confirming handfuls of shows within their state of Western Australia. This week, the band released their newest single “Pink Lunettes” via Spinning Top Records / Secretly Distribution. The high-energy pack single takes you through a chaotic trip, jiving you all over the place. “I think we managed to jitter along the neon tightrope between totally unhinged, strobing spontaneity and focused forward momentum,” says Nick Allbook.

This is POND’s first single since the release of their 2019 album, “Tasmania.”

Watch & listen to “Pink Lunettes” below.

Groovy Tunes