Video Age Sign to Winspear and Release New Single


Photo by Zach Shorrosh 

Single Artwork by Hugo Bernier

Video Age by Zack Shorrosh.png

The New Orleans-based duo Video Age [Ross Farbe and Ray Micarell] have returned with a funk-inspired track ‘Shadow On The Wall,’ their first single in two years and released through their new label home Winspear.

The dynamic pair have kept their graceful 80s synth melodies but have elevated the stakes and incorporated an infectious funk rhythm. With the added instrumental textures, Video Age presents us with a slick new groovy track that will lead the way for what’s to come.

"A song about facing your fears. Although it can be tempting to give in to what’s plaguing you, funky self expression is one way to rise above the fog and see what’s real.” - Ray Micarelli

Accompanied by fellow band members Nick Corson and Duncan Troast, Video Age jetted back to Farbre’s home studio in New Orleans and prepared to bring us a new wave of compelling material.

Groovy Tunes