Crack Cloud Share New Single "Tough Baby"


Vancouver collective Crack Cloud have shared the title track from their forthcoming second album, Tough Baby, arrives September 16th on Meat Machine, and via their own Crack Cloud Media Studio in North America. The accompanying video for “Tough Baby” takes the viewer through a history of the species and explores neurosis - all in the search for peace and tranquillity. 

On the new single, Crack Cloud say: "Our body of work has been largely informed by some of the darker chapters in our lives; we’ve taken a moment to examine beyond that in Tough Baby. The potency of the imagination, the magic and mystery of our world and its history from an adolescent gaze. We wanted to fall in love with our craft again by recalling the mysticism of our youth."

Tough Baby is both a clarion call and a life-manual for the listener. Witness the opening track ‘Danny’s Message’, which has two key lines, seemingly recorded on a dictaphone. One is an entreaty: “I hope you guys can learn a lot from what I’m trying to tell you.” The other, a command: “Music is an excellent way to let your anger out, put it all on paper.”

The voice is that of Danny Choy, the father of Zach. Danny was fatally diagnosed with Leukaemia at 29. Zach explains: “Before he passed, he left behind a wealth of poems, song transcriptions, carvings and audio journals for my family to remember him by.” Zach is now 29. Appropriately Danny’s influence, still “all-encompassing” twenty years later, launches Tough Baby.

The new record reflects Choy’s point that “we are always maturing emotionally with our experiences, and so how we understand and express them evolves over our lifetime.”

Tough Baby contains music to think to, music with which to educate, agitate and organise. Zach says, “the name Tough Baby is an allusion to our Planet. To our Culture. And to our Selves.” It’s made to remind us that whilst we are all in the gutter to some extent, some of us are looking at the kerb.

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