All My Friends Fest


All visuals by Malaika Astorga


As COVID-19 as struck the heart of the music and arts communities from around the globe, we find ourselves in a strange situation and a very uncertain future of stability. For an industry that thrived on its live sectors, what can really be said when all of this has finally run its course. With so many creatives in even larger fragile and vulnerable positions, there are some who have chosen to step-up and create a platform to help allow those to still find an income.

Vice Versa Productions has partnered with Also Cool Mag and Canvas & Cassette (NYC) to create the digital one-day festival called All My Friends Fest. The festivities will be held on both Also Cool Mag and Canvas & Cassette’s Instagram accounts as well as Zoom with both day-time and evening programs.

From noon until six, you will be able see musicians and visual artists take part in live streams via Instagram.

From eight until mid-night, a series of panels on digital events will take place. Some of the presenters include members of Club Quarantine, Global Relations, Club Hunhouse, and Blush: Slumber Party.

All funds from the daytime programming will go directly to artists and future editions of the magazines. All funds raised from the evening programming will be donated directly to trans folx who have been severely affected by COVID-19.

All three organizations are queer, femme-run, with intersectional feminist-focused content and values.

Groovy Tunes